halloween safety tips
for kids
- Never go into a stranger's house, get into a stranger's car or talk to a stranger.
- Be careful when you cross a street. Make sure to look in both directions and make sure that there are no cars coming.
- Don't cut through back alleys and fields.
- Stay in populated, well-lit areas.
- Vandalism is illegal.
- Carry a flashlight, glow stick or have reflective tape on your costume to make it more visible to cars.
- Walk, don't run from house to house and use sidewalks.
- Cross streets at the corners and don't walk between parked cars.
for parents
- Check the Indiana Sheriffs' Sex Offender Registry for sex offenders. Make sure that your kids stay away from these houses!
- Plan a trick-or-treat route.
- Don't let children go trick or treating alone. Make sure that an adult is going with your kids.
- Pick costumes that are safe. Make sure that it's fire proof or treated with fire retardant. If they are wearing a mask of any kind, make sure that the eye holes are large enough for good peripheral vision. If your child is carrying a prop, such as a scythe, butcher knife or a pitchfork, make sure the tips are smooth and flexible enough to not cause injury if fallen on. Make sure that costumes won't get in the way when they are walking, which could cause them to trip.
- Inspect all candy before allowing children to eat it. Serve your kids a filling meal before trick or treating and they won't be as tempted to eat any candy before they bring it home for you to check. Check your local grocery store or craft store for Halloween cook books full of tasty treats on a horror theme for both kids and adults.
- Carry a cell phone in case of an emergency
- Check the trick or treat time set by the town. Make sure to follow the curfew times.
- Drive carefully over hills, around curves and approaching stop signs or cross walks.
- Have children exit cars on the curb side, not on the traffic side.
- Enter and exit driveways with caution.
- Instead of candles, use battery powered lanterns or light sticks to light jack-o-lanterns to help prevent fires.
- Keep trick-or-treat areas well lit for safety.